Affiliate Policy

Our site is free to use and we aim to keep it that way. In order to cover the costs involved in providing this service we utilise some affiliate links on our website.

What Are Affiliate Links?

Affiliate links are links which just let the site you go to know that we sent you. In return we get a small commission if (and only if) you make a purchase from that site. This doesn't cost you anything extra and it helps us to cover costs.

For Example...

Say you're looking for a new coffee machine. You find one you like on our website and click the link to purchase it from Amazon at the cheapest price. The affiliate link tells Amazon that we sent you, and if you then buy the coffee machine from Amazon we get a small reward for referring you. It's that simple.

Our Promise

We value both our users and their privacy. We therefore want to make it clear that;

  • 1. Commission rates will never influence any product recommendations that we might offer.
  • 2. Affiliate links ONLY pass through a code to tell the retailer site that we sent a customer. They do not track you or pass on any personal information.
  • 3. We never sell or share your personal information with any retailers who are shown on this site - unless you explicitely give us permission to do so.